Our impact

Our humanitarian, social, environmental and philanthropic projects

Our impact

Our humanitarian, social, environmental and philanthropic projects

Save The Children Swiss Association

The Save the Children Swiss Association was founded in 1919 to protect children rights and guarantee them a proper education. We support this association because we believe in children rights to be protected against child abuse and child labor. 

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Save The Children Swiss Association

The Save the Children Swiss Association was founded in 1919 to protect children rights and guarantee them a proper education. We support this association because we believe in children rights to be protected against child abuse and child labor. 

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Geneva Red-Cross Ball participation and fundraising

The Geneva Red Cross ball is a yearly fundraising event that chooses a different cause each time. In 2020, the Red Cross ball raised 1M in favor of the Armenian Population in order to provide medical and education support. In 2021, the event raised nearly 1M in favor of gender equality and women’s right promotion. In each event, Bomare SA actively participated in inviting its most important clients to its table, participating in auction fundraising and generous humanitarian gifts.

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The Lebanese Food Bank Foundation

The Lebanese Food Bank (LFB) Foundation (part of the Global Food Banking Network) focuses on collecting surplus food from restaurants, hotels and supermarkets, and on giving it to the local population without discrimination of race, religion or political orientation. Bomare SA gives regularly to the LFB in order to help those affected by the economic and social crisis impacting the Lebanese population.

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Green Electricity production program

Bomare SA is part of the Green Electricity "Vitale Vert" Geneva eco friendly electricity production program. We happily pay a premium for our electricity needs during working hours in order to guarantee a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

On a private level, Bomare SA CEO has equipped his private home with an electrical solar panel system that generates clean electricity and is able to sell the extra capacity produced to the Geneva Electric company (SIG).

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In the pipeline

Colombian cooperation with local NGOs

Bomare SA gives back a portion of its revenues to the local communities living in the mining areas where we source our Emeralds in order to support education, medical and environmental projects.

In the pipeline

The McGill Innovation Fund

The McGill University Innovation Fund (MIF) in Montreal Canada supports innovation in clean tech research and development. Bomare CEO, a McGill business graduate, is one of the 4 founders of the MIF for clean tech funding, expected to raise a total of CAD30M to support student ideas innovating in clean tech projects. Every year, a small number of selected competing projects is awarded by the MIF committee and win a money prize in order to help them startup their promising business. The winners in turn have the moral obligation to invest back in the fund once they become successful businesses.

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